An individual or business will often rely on the advice of a realtor or broker when purchasing or selling a piece of property. Often times, this is enough if there are no issues and there is a little luck. People will also sometimes rely on themselves in solving minor property disputes with another party. This may work out just fine if the other party is reasonable and willing to work toward a compromise.
Unfortunately, real estate transactions and disputes do not always go smoothly. There are usually large amounts of money involved and some unscrupulous individuals may do anything to ensure that they end up on top of any deal. An experienced attorney will make sure that you are protected in your real estate transaction and you are fully represented in the event of any dispute.
The Law Office of Darin T. Orsini will thoroughly evaluate your proposed real estate transaction or your current dispute free of charge. Submit the details of your situation through the form on this website or call the law office directly. Darin Orsini will review your issue personally and get back to you quickly.