July 8, 2016

Consumer Protection

An individual has special protections under the law when entering into a contract or agreement with a business. Some companies have the time, money and motivation to fool consumers into paying for services that they do not understand. In other cases, a business may use deception and even fraud to persuade a consumer to pay money for something that never happens. Fortunately, the law allows a person to collect extra damages against a company that engages in these practices.

Normally, the two parties entering into an agreement are only entitled to collect their actual losses against the party violating the agreement. In addition, neither party can usually collect any damages if there is no violation of the contract even if the contract is unfair. However, there are special circumstances that allow a consumer to collect extra damages against a business even when that business did not technically violate the agreement.

The Law Office of Darin T. Orsini will consider your situation and discuss whether there may be a violation of consumer protection law free of charge. Submit the details of your complaint against a particular business through the form on this website or call the law office directly. Darin Orsini will review your claim personally and get back to you quickly.
